Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward, Ottawa | (613) 580-2485  |
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Bloomfield Yard getting a new building

The Bloomfield Yard tucked in behind Churchill Avenue North services our fleet and is an important maintenance depot. Now, it’s about to get a major facelift.

The City has submitted a site plan for approval describing the addition of a new one-storey building that will host an eight-vehicle maintenance bay. The new structure will also include offices, a lunch area, and wash and locker rooms, as well as two new parking areas. It will be positioned to the east of the yard as an addition to the exiting four-bay garage.


The pop-ups continue all over Kitchissippi!

Announcing the next two pop-up ward offices

Thanks to all who came to our first pop-up ward office last week on Friday. Jeff had a great afternoon chatting with people and hearing their ideas and suggestions - keep them coming! We are thrilled to announce the next two pop-up ward offices happening next week and in January.

In line with the suggestions we've had, the next pop-up ward office will be in the evening.

Date: Tuesday 30 December 2014
Time: 5 - 8pm
Location: Bridgehead at 440 Richmond Avenue (at Golden)


Announcing: Councillor Jeff Leiper's first Kitchissippi Forum!

Jeff Leiper invites residents to join him for his first quarterly Kitchissippi Forum, January 17, 2015

Please join us January 17, 2015 for the first of Councillor Leiper's quarterly community forums for all Kitchisisippi residents.


Cycling detour in effect January 6

Attention Kitchissippi cyclists! Some major work is getting underway to ready Ottawa for its river cleanup plan and light rail. Starting January 6, construction will begin on a new combined sanitary/storm sewer (Combined Sewer and Storage Tunnel - CSST), as well as the Booth Street LRT bridge. The work requires that the multi-use path on the north side of Albert between Preston and Commissioner be closed, along with the northernmost lane of traffic.


Update on Broadview School

The budget to re-build Broadview Public School has been approved by the school board. What's next?

Kitchissippi residents have received some much-needed clarity from the Ottawa Carleton District School Board today on the impact of a potential heritage designation of the "Tower" portion of Broadview Public School (shown at right) to the planned rebuild of the school (shown below).


Announcement: Jeff's first Pop-Up Ward Office this Friday

Attention Kitchissippi residents! This Friday, December 19, Councillor Jeff Leiper will be kicking off his regular Friday Pop-Up Ward Office drop-in session from 1-4pm at Hintonburg Community Centre. Please drop in and say hello!

Clare and Hilson development proposal

Consultation Notice: Jeff wants to hear your thoughts on a proposal at 148 Clare Street and 566 Hilson Avenue to replace two single houses at the corner with seven new townhomes and two additional new units in a semi-detached home. There have been several meetings about this project, and many residents have e-mailed with support or opposition. Jeff wants to ensure he has heard from everyone concerned.

First snow storm of 2014 - how did you fare?

Overnight snow falls brought a flurry (geddit?!) of phone calls and emails to Jeff and Team Kitchissippi throughout today. Many people wrote in with comments and concerns about priorities, sidewalks that needed clearing and elderly people battling snow banks.


WLRT - 100 days

Jeff addresses recent developments in the Western LRT planning process, reiterates his campaign commitments, and pledges to keep residents informed as the Federal government and City work together to find a constructive way forward.  

The announcement by the NCC on November 21 with respect to the alignment of the western light rail transit (W-LRT) has generated an outpouring of discussion. That's healthy, and I would like to join the conversation with my own assessment.


Snow is coming. Are you ready?

According to Environment Canada, we are expecting our first significant snowstorm of the season beginning tomorrow (link here) - and the first of the new Councillor's term of office. As usual, the City crews will be out there ensuring the streets are clear, and the Kitchissippi Ward office is here to help with questions or needs. But here are some things you might not have known about Ottawa's snow removal efforts. (Source: City of Ottawa bulletin).
