Kitchissippi Ward

Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper

Development overview

There are multiple complex projects in the ward that are keeping us busy. We’re trying to maintain an updated list of those here.

Below is an updated list of the development projects that have either been recently approved, are actively under review or appeal – or under construction in the ward.

A reminder that for any project that has been formally submitted to the City, you can visit the City’s development applications site (known as “DevApps”) to view more information. Clicking on the highlighted address for most of the applications below will take you to the City’s development site to view the full applications.  Please note, however, that the site does not include proposals that have not been formally submitted yet and/or are currently in the consultation phase. 

If you are looking for information for an address that is not included here (or on DevApps), please feel free to reach out to our office at or  

Updated March 2024

Current Planning Applications received/ actively under review:

For 327 Richmond Road, an application for Demolition Control has been received by the City.  It can be viewed here on DevApps.  The demolition would make way for the development of a 9 storey mixed use development comprising 177 dwelling units and 2 levels of underground parking at the corner of Richmond Road and Churchill Avenue. Site Plan Control approval has been granted and construction is anticipated to begin this Spring/Summer. The Site Plan Control application is still available here on Dev Apps.

1806 Scott Street: The City of Ottawa has received applications for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control for the property at 1806 Scott Street (at Rockhurst Avenue) to construct a four-storey, 16 unit apartment building for the corner of Scott Street and Rockhurst Avenue. The application is scheduled to be heard at Planning and Housing Committee at the end of March.  Our office hosted an Open House on this proposal in April 2023. You can view the recording here.  Updated supporting materials were submitted in September 2023 and you can find them and the submission on Devapps.

2006-2026 Scott Street and 314/318 Athlone (the former site of the Granite Curling Club) A Site Plan Application was received by the City to develop two residential towers (40 storeys each) in Spring 2023.  The Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit this development was approved by City Council in October 2022. The zoning is subject to a holding symbol requirement. Our office held a virtual Open House on the Site Plan submission this Spring, which can be viewed here.  A second submission for the Site Plan Control application was received in October 2023 is available on Devapps.

114 Richmond Road (Sisters of the Visitation Monastery site), the City of Ottawa received a resubmission in September 2023 on the Site Plan Control application for Phase 2A of the development. This phase consists of a nine-storey residential building (known as Building ‘B’) connecting to the south of a re-furbished convent building. You can find this resubmission  on Devapps now.

At 935 Wellington Street West, the owners have submitted an application to permit the demolition of the 1.5-storey residential building dwelling which is currently in poor condition and is uninhabitable. The application is live on Devapps.  

1640-1660 Carling Avenue: The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-Law Amendment application for the former Canadian Tire store and abutting Boston Pizza restaurant.  The site would be developed in the long term future, through site plan control, for 6 mixed-use/residential buildings (rental, seniors, condo) with approximately 1,715 units, vehicular and bicycle parking, a new public road and a POPS (Privately Owned Public Space) at Clyde Avenue North and Carling Avenue.   In the shorter term, the former Canadian Tire store will be repurposed by a fitness and lifestyle company called Altea Active, expected to open this year. Of note, this site is no longer in Kitchissippi Ward and is now in River Ward.  Questions can be directed to Councillor Riley Brockington’s office at:  Updated supporting materials were submitted in November 2023 and you can find them (and the submission) on Devapps.

Anticipated Applications:

The following are currently in the consultation phases with staff and have not been formally submitted as of yet (and as a result, they are not available on DevApps):

246 Westhaven Avenue:  An application for a zoning by-law amendment is anticipated to convert an existing three-unit residential building into six units.  No changes to the building envelope are proposed.  Our office held an Open House to discuss in February 2024 and can be viewed on You Tube here.

335-339 Roosevelt Avenue: The Site Plan application for Uniform’s proposal is anticipated this Spring.  Changes to the plan including a new park and additional height to the proposed mid-rise buildings are being discussed.  Our office held an Open House with the community in late February and can be viewed on You Tube here.

10 Garrison Street: An application for a zoning by-law amendment is being prepared to permit a 10 unit low rise apartment building.  This would involve demolishing the existing single detached dwelling on the site.  Our office recently held an Open House on this proposal and it can be viewed here on the Kitchissippi Ward You Tube channel soon.

Recently Approved:

266 and 268 Carruthers Avenue: The City has approved a Zoning By-Law Amendment and Site Plan Control proposal to develop a three-and-one-half storey low-rise apartment building with 18 rental units.  The building will be considered a planned unit development (PUD) in conjunction with the property at 177 Armstrong, which is currently under construction with a low rise apartment building.  An Open House was held by our office in January 2023 and a recording of the webinar is available on Youtube here. The revised application can be found on Devapps here, and was heard at Planning and Housing Committee on February 28, 2024.

For 54, 56 & 60 Bayswater, Site Plan Approval was granted (staff delegated authority) in February 2024 for the development of a six-story mid-rise apartment building comprising 40 dwelling units with 50 bicycle parking spaces. 

991 Carling Avenue: The City of Ottawa approved a Zoning By-law Amendment application to extend the existing permissions allowing an on-site temporary parking lot for use by the Ottawa Civic Hospital Staff in early February 2024.  This site is located along the north side of Carling Avenue between Fairmont Avenue and Old Irving Avenue. The need of off-site parking for hospital staff is intended to be a short-term situation while the new Civic Hospital Campus is constructed.  You can find further details here on DevApps.

At 70 Richmond Road and 376 Island Park Drive, an application for Site Plan Control was approved by the City in November 2023.  You can find the materials on Devapps .   The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment for the site were approved by Council in June 2022.

For 1081 Carling Avenue, in October 2023, City Council approved a Zoning By-Law Amendment to permit the addition of “Apartment building, high rise” as a permitted land use, to permit loading in a rear yard abutting a residential zone, and to permit additional building height. The proposal features two towers: one 16 storey and one 27 storey. No appeals were filed. The site plan control application has not been submitted and a proposed construction date is not known yet. The zoning by-law application and supporting materials are available on DevApps.

At 979 Wellington Street West, the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment application was approved at Council in 2021, followed by an appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal by the community. A settlement was reached in fall of 2022, allowing the zoning to come into effect. In April 2022, the city received an application for Site Plan Control for the site and additional materials were submitted in March of this year.  The existing buildings on site were demolished last summer. Currently, the Site Plan Agreement is with City Legal staff for review and completion. A building permit application was submitted in the fall and Planning Services is expecting a Building Permit to be approved shortly after the Site Plan Agreement is completed. The application materials can be found on Devapps here

In August, 2023 a Zoning By-Law Amendment for 249/255 Richmond Road and 372 Tweedsmuir Avenue was approved to permit the development of a nine (9) storey mixed-use building containing 87 dwelling units, at-grade commercial units, and underground parking.  The Site Plan Control application for this property is still under review and active.  You can find the application and supporting materials on Devapps here.

For 1546 Scott Street, a Zoning By-Law amendment was approved in June 2023 to permit a 25-storey mixed-use apartment building on the site currently occupied by the Beer Store and associated surface parking and loading facilities. The Site Plan Control application is active and can be viewed here on DevApps.   

For 1560 Scott Street (Holland Cross), a Site Plan Control application for the development of a 25-storey mixed use apartment tower was approved in Summer 2023. Additional supporting materials were received by the City in March 2023, which you can review, with the application here. The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendments for the development were approved in Fall 2022.

Embassy Row: In March 2023, the NCC, the City of Ottawa and the Mechanicsville Community Association reached a settlement around the NCC’s appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) over Council’s refusal to the rezone a parcel of land along the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway, north of Burnside, for embassies.  At this time, no embassies or construction is proposed.  The next stage in the approval process will include Site Plan Control, the timing of which is currently not known. We hosted a community open house in February of 2021 which can be viewed on YouTube. The full application can still be reviewed online – the Official Plan Amendment application can be found here, and Zoning By-law Amendment application can be found here.

For 403 Richmond Road,  a Site Plan Control Application has been approved to develop a 9 storey mixed use building with 141 residential units.  The Site Plan Agreement is in the process of being finalized.  You can find the Site Plan submission, and related documents, on the Devapps page here.

The Site Plan Control application for a townhouse development at 316-322 Clifton Road was approved in Spring 2023. The construction start date is not yet known.  You can find the full application on DevApps.

At 951 Gladstone (at Loretta), the zoning has been approved by Council to construct three high-rises at 35, 33 and 30 storeys incorporating the Enriched Bread Artists building. A Site Plan Control application remains active on DevApps and the application and supporting materials can be viewed here.

At 349 Danforth, a Site Plan Control Application for the development of a mixed-use, low-rise 3-storey mixed use apartment building comprising 10 residential units and 1 commercial unit was approved in August 2023. The application is available on DevApps

Matters Under Appeal and/or Awaiting OLT Decisions:

City Council approved Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications in October 2023 at 200 (210) Clearview Avenue to construct a 25-storey high-rise residential use building.  Subsequently, an appeal was filed in November.  A hearing date at the Ontario Land Tribunal has not been set yet.  An updated Site Plan has been submitted showing 184 units with 245 underground parking spaces. This is a reduction from the original Site Plan submission, which showed 197 dwelling units and 278 underground parking spaces. You can find the submission on Devapps here.

At 1186-1194 Wellington West (at the corner of Parkdale Avenue), the owners submitted a Site Plan Control application for the development of a16-storey mixed-use building. In May 2022, Planning Committee deferred the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the site indefinitely; subsequently, the developer decided to appeal the decision to the OLT.  The OLT hearing took place in August 2023 – however, a decision has not been issued as of yet. The application is available on DevApps.

Under Construction:

For 377-381 Winona Avenue, in May 2023, the City of Ottawa approved a Zoning By-law Amendment application and Site Plan Control application to construct a six-storey mixed-use building with two ground-floor commercial units and 60 residential units. Demolition of the existing buildings took place this past summer, followed by the commencement of construction.   Construction is projected to be completed by Fall of this year. Our office hosted an open house on this application, which you can review hereThis application materials can be viewed on Devapps here. 

For 366 Winona Avenue, an application for a zoning amendment to allow for the development of a pair of three-storey, 8 unit apartment buildings was submitted earlier this year and approved by City Council in April 2023. Reliefs to the site’s current R4 zoning regarding setbacks, lot width and lot area were approved. Construction on the site commenced in Fall 2023. You can review this submission on Devapps here.

At 368 Tweedsmuir Avenue, demolition of the existing house occurred in December 2023 and excavation for new construction commenced, but was then put on pause until Spring 2024.  The Site Plan Control Agreement was finalized in December 2023, permitting the construction of a three-storey, low-rise apartment building containing 16 dwelling units. You can find this submission here on DevApps.

930 Carling Avenue & 520 Preston – The New Ottawa Hospital. The Site Plan Control application for Phase 3 (Central Utility Plant) and Phase 4 (main Hospital building) is under review and pending.  The parking garage for the new facility is currently under construction and will be completed before construction of the main hospital commences.  The Master Plan was approved in Fall 2021 and the holding provision for the application was subsequently lifted. You can find documents accompanying the proposal on Engage Ottawa and DevApps.

1445-1451 Wellington Street – Mizrahi Building: Construction continues on the 12 storey mixed-use building with ground floor commercial and apartment units on the upper levels at the corner of Island Park and Richmond Road.  While work appears to have slowed down in recent months, the developer reports that construction activity continues and should be completed this year.  The rezoning application and supporting materials can be viewed here on DevApps.

At 260 Armstrong Avenue, just west of Hamilton Avenue, a three-storey, 6 unit residential building is currently under construction.

At 1619-1655 Carling Avenue, construction remains underway for the development of 2 high rise towers, one at 18 storeys and one at 16 storeys, above a 5 storey podium. Our office hosted a pre-construction meeting on November 28th, 2022 – you can find that here.

At 1040 Somerset Street West, at the corner of Breezehill Avenue, construction continues by Claridge Homes on the development of a 30-storey mixed use building.   Our office hosted a pre-construction meeting with neighbours to review timelines and impacts at the end of June 2022, which you can find here.  For further information, please email our office at

Another Claridge development, located at 1705 Carling continues under construction. We hosted a pre-construction meeting with neighbours to review timelines and impacts in June 2021.

Improvements are still underway at Westboro Beach including a new pavilion and rehabilitation of the existing Strutt Pavilion.  The construction is underway after a zoning amendment was approved for 745 Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway and 234 Atlantis Avenue by Planning Committee and City Council. You can find further details on the NCC’s plans on their site dedicated to the project.

Construction is well underway at 399 Winston Avenue in Westboro Village to develop a 7-storey mixed-use building. Our office hosted a pre-construction meeting in December 2022.  You can find that on our Youtube channel here.

At 2070 Scott Street, just east of Churchill Avenue, Azure continues construction of its 26 storey residential building.  We hosted a pre-construction meeting with neighbours to review timelines and impacts which can be reviewed on YouTube.

At 159-167 Parkdale Avenue, construction continues at Richcraft’s high rise development site known as the Parkdale Collective. We hosted a pre-construction meeting with neighbours to review timelines and impacts which can be reviewed on Youtube.

To the north, at 99 Parkdale Avenue, Brigil continues construction on Part 2 of their high rise development known as The Dale.