Category: Transportation policy
2026 Ontario election candidates survey
Dear Simon Beckett (Green), Scott Healey (Conservative), Catherine McKenney (New Democratic), and Thomas Simpson (Liberal) Thanks to each of you as candidates. I and the residents of Kitchissippi are grateful for your unique and important service. Below, I’ve posed a number of questions to which Kitchissippi residents would be grateful to have your answers. There…
The case against transit service cuts
Note from Jeff: I want to thank Ben Kerr-Wilson who is in my office for a few months as part of his course work for his government relations studies. He has been working on communications and briefing materials in support of some of the policy directions that I and the team are pursuing. As part…
Cut-through bridge traffic woes
Good evening, Kitchissippi. Residents of Westboro Beach and Champlain Park who live on streets like Clearview and Lanark have been writing to me tonight to let me know they’ve had another bad weekend. Cut-through traffic trying to reach the bridge, especially starting in mid-afternoon, has been rough this summer, backing up for blocks, most recently…
Will transit be ready for the winter return of cyclists?
This morning a bunch of volunteers and I went out to count the traffic arriving at Bay and Laurier from 7:30-8:30 am. It’s a busy intersection with inbound commuters and especially with inbound cyclists near the start of our spine-route Laurier bike lanes. I was curious as to how much of the traffic is bikes…
Vehicle ownership in Kitchissippi
As a follow-up to my post on the Transportation Trends report, City staff have provided me with some greater precision on vehicle ownership in the ward. These numbers are important as we consider the elimination of parking minimums citywide, and particularly here in Kitchissippi as we see an increasing number of applications for low-rise apartment…
Top 10 transportation study data points
A couple of weeks ago I pointed in some of my channels to the publication of the Transportation Trends Report prepared for the City. The report is an important input into our work updating the Transportation Master Plan that will ultimately guide investments in infrastructure to move people from point A to point B in…