Kitchissippi Ward

Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper

342 and 346 Roosevelt development proposal

On Wednesday, February 5 my office will be hosting a virtual open house (see details below) to ask the developer questions about a new six-storey, 26-unit apartment building proposed for 342 Roosevelt. It would require a re-zoning to proceed, slightly different from an associated proposed four-storey, six-unit apartment building in the adjacent lot at 346 Roosevelt that is proceeding to the Committee of Adjustment for variances on February 5.

Off the top I want to recognize that at least some residents are asking me to oppose the re-zoning, largely on the basis of the traffic increase on dead-end Roosevelt. No parking is to be provided in the larger building at the north end of the street (at 342) and two spots in garages are proposed for the smaller (at 346), but there will certainly be increased traffic from deliveries and some (many?) of those residents will move in with cars hoping to take advantage of street parking.

The Committee of Adjustment is deliberately hands-off to city councillors. My office is available to help residents put their best arguments forward to the Committee regarding 346. While that proposal won’t strictly be part of the re-zoning discussion at 342, it will be part of the planning context that we’ll consider if it’s approved.

I’ll be clear today that I don’t see a viable path to opposing 342 Roosevelt (rendering below) and while I recognize the impact that building will have in terms of a change in street character, I would go so far as to say I support it.

It’s important to recognize that Roosevelt between Richmond and the Transitway has hitherto been a quiet street of low-rise residential units, mostly singles and semis. But that is changing: and it should. We need more people to be able to live in areas of the city like this, immediately adjacent to an LRT station and the city’s key east-west cycling spine, in a walkable community with all of the amenities of Richmond Road steps away, and immediate access to Westboro Beach and greenspace.

Across the street from this proposed development, work continues to develop the Fendor site with two high-rises while at the south end of the block a six-storey apartment building is under construction now. The Tubmans will also eventually be re-developed as a nine-storey mid-rise.

The policies and plans that guide development in the province and city all support the basic outline of this application and the one before the Committee of Adjustment. Denser housing near transit is the Official Plan’s main thrust, and I cannot fathom that if Council refused the application the Ontario Land Tribunal would sustain us. This kind of missing middle housing is likely as sensitive an intensification of land this close to transit that we’re likely to see in a long time.

I also understand that traffic is a concern. It’s a concern everywhere. There are some unique considerations on Roosevelt. It’s a dead-end, which people miss all the time so they wind up tearing back to Richmond frustrated. But, the new buildings, even with traffic from residents if they bring cars, deliveries and other traffic will still only be a blip in the overall traffic numbers on a street designed to carry a far higher number. As objectionable as some residents may consider the potential increase in traffic, I see no path to successfully objecting to the proposal on that ground.

I’ll listen to the discussion at our open house, and more importantly read your written feedback to the City as the planner determines whether to recommend the re-zoning to see whether there are aspects of the proposal against which I might push. But I wanted to be clear today that it’s highly unlikely I’ll oppose the general thrust. I support a six-storey, 26-unit apartment building at this location and don’t believe that our Official Plan policies provide any meaningful or defensible grounds to vote no.

Our office will be hosting a virtual open house to provide an opportunity for the applicant team to share information and to answer questions that the community may have on Wednesday February 5 at 7 pm.  To join, you simply need to download Zoom, and use the address below and passcode: