Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward, Ottawa | (613) 580-2485  |
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Plan your Parks! Kitchissippi Parks Participatory Plan - Round 2!

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Thank you to everyone who attended Round 1 of our Kitchissippi Parks Participatory Plan Consultation!

We hope you can continue the consultation process by attending a session for Round 2. This next Round will be critical in developing the priorities for our Ward, and if you haven't had the opportunity to attend yet, we strongly encourage you to. 

The next sessions are as follows:

Thursday, January 26 from 6:30-9:00pm at the Churchill Senior’s Centre (Upper Town Hall room) OR

Saturday, January 28 from 1:00-3:30pm at Tom Brown Arena

Childcare is PROVIDED

Process of Second Round Sessions - Plan Your Parks

Opening - 10 mins, the facilitator will introduce the project and discuss the goals of the session

First Table Discussion - 20 mins, participants will be invited to review the feedback on already proposed ideas. This sheet will be presented to participants upon entry. They will be instructed to scan the feedback document for the parks/spaces that are of interest to, see what ideas have been proposed and what the feedback, price estimates and current plans for these parks are. If the parks they are interested in are not on the sheet or if they have different ideas for these parks/spaces they will be invited to begin discussing those and recording them on an activity sheet in the table kit.

In the absence of staff feedback, the facilitator will provide feedback in terms of fitting within the CIL fund mandate, some price estimates, and in terms of life-cycle funding schedule provided by staff.

First Room Discussion - 30 mins, participants will be invited to respond to the feedback and ask questions. The parks of interest and new ideas will be welcomed and documented on the central board. The facilitator will record any questions that come forward.

Second Table Discussion - 30 mins, participants will be invited to go around their table and discuss their top priority ideas. They will be instructed that, if they would like to push for a project that may not be feasible, they should further specify the details of their idea and why they believe it is within the CIL fund mandate. In some cases, participants may be able to use price estimates available in the table kit to put together a price estimate of their proposal. The top priority ideas will be included on an activity sheet in the table kit to develop a list of table priorities.

Second Room Discussion - 30 mins, participants will be invited to share their list of top priorities. These top priorities will be recorded on the central board. After a full go around of each table is complete, the facilitator will call for other ideas that have not been mentioned. These ideas will also be recorded on the central board.

Prioritization Activity - 15 mins, using a stack of fake dollar bills on the table, participants will cast five votes for their favourite project. Participants will be instructed to vote only once on each idea. The fake dollar bills are to be placed in the middle of the table and the vote for each project will be recorded. There will also be a second table set up with sets of four fake dollar bills. Participants will use these four bills to indicate their priority uses of the CIL fund, including small project under 30k, large projects over 30k, land acquisition, and contingency/savings. 

If you can't attend the in-person sessions, please take a moment to fill out our online survey:




Posted January 19, 2017