Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward, Ottawa | (613) 580-2485  |
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404 Eden

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404 Eden next steps

On Friday, residents read an article in the media about the developer of a property on Hopewell Avenue who, it was asserted, has put many more units into the building than he had led stakeholders to believe was his intent. The same developer has zoning permission at 404 Eden to build a multi-unit apartment building, and residents are concerned that they might see the same thing here.

Yesterday afternoon, I "lifted" delegated authority for the 404 Eden site plan from staff so that it will be required to go to a vote of Planning Committee and Council rather than be approved simply at the staff level. I believe this will give us more time to understand what protections our community can expect against an unexpected increase in units, as well as give the developer a chance to make commitments to the community in a public forum and in front of elected officials.

Posted October 28, 2017