Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward, Ottawa | (613) 580-2485  |
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Core snow update - February 9 AM

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We received the update below from our snow crews a little bit ago. However you're getting to work or school, take care!

Road conditions are in good shape this morning. Salt trucks and plows will continue to clean up the areas where snow removal took place, the road conditions are mostly wet.

Priority and residential sidewalks have been opened up over night. Our day shift will be going over all sidewalk beats again to clean them up and apply salt and or abrasives.

Snow removal operations began along some priority roads and the BIAs last night. This operation will continue during the night and day for the rest of this week.

We began plowing residential streets at 400 am. The cleanup of all streets, sidewalks, bus stops, corners, activate signals and dead ends will continue all day and into the night.

Day shift staff will be staying until 7pm and night shift staff will come in for 7 pm to continue the clean up overnight.

Posted February 9, 2015