Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward, Ottawa | (613) 580-2485  |
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327 Richmond Rd Development - Open House Webinar

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You may recall that prior to the Covid19 pandemic, we were working on a pre-application open house to discuss a proposed development at 327 Richmond Rd. We were not able to move forward with that in-person open house but we have now set up a virtual open house via Zoom webinar.

The proposed development is contemplated at 9-storeys, with 184 rental units with 130 vehicle parking spaces (residential and visitor) on two levels of underground parking. Bicycle parking will also be provided. Underground parking access will be from the Northwest corner of the property off of Churchill Avenue North. 

During the open house webinar, the applicant and their team will run through the proposed development in more detail, and we will take questions from those watching. In order to join, you just need to download Zoom and click the link below:

When: May 6, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

We will be recording the webinar and posted it online afterwards for anyone who is unable to attend on May 6.

Please consider sending us feedback on the proposed development via and / or

Once the application has been formally submitted, all of the materials will be on DevApps and we will reach out for a formal round of public feedback. 



Posted April 29, 2020