Kitchissippi Ward

Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper

  • Simple density calculator

    The new proposed zoning by-law proposes to largely do away with building types as the defining feature of a zone. Instead of prescribing that density is limited to, for example, a semi-detached, or row houses, the new zoning instead sets a cap on the number of units that can be developed on a lot. The…

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  • City appeals CoA Roosevelt decision

    The City along with developer are taking the rare step of appealing a refusal by the Committee of Adjustment for variances at the property at 398/402/406 Roosevelt. A couple of weeks ago, the Committee refused a single variance being sought by the developer to reduce the required parking at that proposed apartment building by 10…

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  • Development overview

    There are multiple complex projects in the ward that are keeping us busy. We’re trying to maintain an updated list of those here. Below is an updated list of the development projects that have either been recently approved, are actively under review or appeal – or under construction in the ward. A reminder that for any project…

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  • Kitchissippi Community Yard Sale June 1

    The 2024 Kitchissippi Community Yard sale will be held on June 1 this year (June 2 rain date). Don’t want to run a sale? Set out items at the curb with a FREE sign. Consider donating a portion of your proceeds to charity. The Kitchissippi Community Yard sale is hosted by Councilllor Jeff Leiper and several…

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