Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward, Ottawa | (613) 580-2485  |
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Westboro Beach re-development

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The National Capital Commission has filed for site plan permission to begin re-shaping Westboro Beach with a new pavillion and parking lot. The application that is currently in front of Planning staff is to construct the parking lot in Atlantis Woods. However, the City web site also has further details about the second phase when a new pavillion would be erected at the beach site (see the elevations and site plan for phases 1 and 2 documents on the full application site here).

This application is in the context of the overall park plan approved by the NCC two years ago (see details of that here). I should note that the site plan process is different from a re-zoning. The applicant has permission to build its parking lot here, and staff have delegated authority to approve the technical details of that. The re-location of parking to this side of the SJAM was controversial, but I'm satisfied that they conducted an exhaustive consultation. When a final design for the pavillion is determined, that will also come forward for site plan approval. I am pleased to see that the current thinking is to expand the pavillion rather than demolish it, which would have had heritage implications.

Posted April 15, 2020