Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward, Ottawa | (613) 580-2485  |
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Reid Park Redevelopment - Construction update and anticipated opening

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For those following the Reid Park progress, you may have noted that the park was set to unofficially open this winter. However, unfortunately staff have been unable to get the contractor to open Reid Park to the public in advance of substantial completion of the contract.  The contractor is contractually responsible for the park site until substantial completion is achieved, at which time the City will take over responsibility and open the park to the public. 

Staff had originally anticipated that substantial completion would be achieved in December 2018, however the early onset of winter (November 1st) significantly delayed the contractor’s progress.  Approximately one-third of the area to be topsoiled and sodded and a significant length of asphalt pathway were left unfinished before freeze up and railings for the new stairs had not been installed.  These outstanding items, together with a list of smaller deficiencies, have prevented substantial completion to be achieved.  As a result, the contractor does not want to assume the risks involved with opening the uncompleted park to the public.

Signage will be installed near the park's entrance with this information as well (see attached below). It is anticipated that the park will be open fully in June 2019. 

We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause the community. Please don't hesitate to contact our office with any questions by e-mailing 

Posted January 17, 2019