Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward, Ottawa | (613) 580-2485  |
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CoA denies temporary parking exemption

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As residents may have seen in the press and in my newsletter, the owners of the SoHo building on Champagne recently applied to the Committee of Adjustment for permission to use their vacant Phase II land as a parking lot. The application was over residents', the City's and my objections. I'm very pleased that the Committee rejected that application. I've attached the decision here. In short, the "Majority of the Committee is of the view that the proposal seeks to establish a temporary use that is too far of a departure from the approved use and that this proposal would be more appropriately addressed through a temporary Zoning By-law Amendment." I've attached the decision below.

Hat's off to the Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association (particularly Kathy Kennedy and its Planning Committee), and the City for their strong interventions against this subversion of normal process. Hopefully the owner will hear the message and cease and desist in its efforts to move this forward.

Posted January 27, 2017